What To Expect During Your First Eye Pressure Test


If you've only recently started visiting an eye doctor or you're about to see one for the first time, chances are you've heard about eye pressure tests. This test is a necessary part of a thorough eye examination, but many people are wary of them before they have one performed. Here's what you need to know about eye pressure tests and what you can expect when you have yours. Why It's Necessary

10 November 2018

Why Eye Drops Aren't The Solution To All Eye Problems


There are prescriptions as well as over-the-counter eye drops for dealing with different eye problems. However, eye drops are never the solutions for all eye problems. This is because eye drops are formulated for different problems and you need to know what you are dealing with first.  Lubricating the Eye Tears lubricate the eyes. Your eyes will dry if they don't produce enough tears. Such a condition is known as the dry eye syndrome, and it leads to irritated, swollen, and red eyes.

22 August 2018

Regaining The "White" In The Whites Of Your Eyes


If you've begun to notice that the whites of your eyes are looking more bloodshot, faded, or just plain dingy, even when you've been eating healthily and getting a good night's sleep, you may wonder whether there is anything you can do. Although the whites of one's eyes can tend to discolor with age, there are still some steps you can take to regain your youthful appearance. Read on to learn more about the causes of eye yellowing, as well as what you can do to stop this trend.

6 June 2018

3 Tips For Healthier Eyes


You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about your eyesight on a daily basis, or at least not until you notice something has gone wrong. If you've come to a decision either on your own or with the help of your local eye clinic that it's time to start taking better care of your eyes, here are a few tips to get you started. Shield Yourself From the Sun

6 April 2018

3 Things First Time Contact Users Should Know


Wearing contacts can open up a whole new world for those who have less than perfect vision. While glasses are effective and can even look very stylish, contacts are a great alternative for those who have poor vision. Contacts are ideal for those who are active in sports and can make putting on makeup a lot easier. Contacts also allow for increased peripheral vision and make driving an easier task. For those who are getting contacts for the first time, here are three things to consider.

1 February 2018