What To Expect During Your First Eye Pressure Test


If you've only recently started visiting an eye doctor or you're about to see one for the first time, chances are you've heard about eye pressure tests. This test is a necessary part of a thorough eye examination, but many people are wary of them before they have one performed. Here's what you need to know about eye pressure tests and what you can expect when you have yours.

Why It's Necessary

Eye pressure tests, otherwise known as tonometry, are a vital tool for eye doctors. From the outside of the eye, there are no clear indicators of eye pressure without using this test. This means that eyes that aren't tested can be susceptible to problems if their pressure becomes too high or too low, similarly to how many people don't know that their blood pressure is abnormal until a doctor tests it.

Early detection of elevated eye pressure can prevent problems like glaucoma or even full blindness. By detecting it early on, your eye doctor can prevent a great deal of damage from happening and provide medication to ensure that the pressure is regulated and safe.


The first thing you should know about the actual tonometry test is that your eyes will be thoroughly numbed. Your eye doctor or their assistant will do this by administering eye drops. After putting them in your eyes, your doctor will direct you to blink repeatedly to help distribute the drops over the entire surface of the eye.

At this point, you'll probably start to notice a strange numb sensation developing in your eyes or eyelids. This is completely normal and will wear off after the test is finished.


Finally, the moment of truth: the tonometry test. Your eye doctor will use a tool called a tonometer to check the pressure of your eyes. There are a few different kinds, but most either lightly tap the surface of your eye or use puffs of air to determine the pressure.

While the test is performed, you'll need to keep your eyes open and still. Your eye doctor will be quick and precise, so take a deep breath and try to resist blinking when the tonometer approaches your eyes.


Once your doctor has the reading they need, the entire test is complete. In most cases, you won't need to worry about having another one until your next annual check-up. Your numbness will wear off as your natural tears wash away the eyedrop solution.

For more information, contact your local ophthalmology services today.


10 November 2018

Going To The Eye Doctor

Do you remember the last time you thought about the quality of your vision? Although it can be easy to write off vision problems as a simple frustration, taking the time to visit your eye doctor might help you to take care of important aspects of your day to day life. In addition to making your vision more comfortable with the right pair of frames or the right contact lenses, going to the eye doctor might also help you to keep up with your overall eye care. If you have an undetected disease or illness, your eye doctor might mention it before it affects your health. Read this blog for more information.