Why Eye Drops Aren't The Solution To All Eye Problems


There are prescriptions as well as over-the-counter eye drops for dealing with different eye problems. However, eye drops are never the solutions for all eye problems. This is because eye drops are formulated for different problems and you need to know what you are dealing with first. 

Lubricating the Eye

Tears lubricate the eyes. Your eyes will dry if they don't produce enough tears. Such a condition is known as the dry eye syndrome, and it leads to irritated, swollen, and red eyes. It can be caused by many things including extended screen time, drugs, and dry air.

The ideal solution for a dry eye syndrome is to diagnose the cause of the problem and treat it. While waiting for a treatment, however, you can use lubricating eye drops to keep your eyes moist and minimize the irritation. Don't go overboard on over-the-counter eye drops; consult an eye doctor if the drops don't do the trick. Remember, these lubricating eye drops won't treat the underlying condition; they just moisten your eyes.

Treating Eye Ailments

Some eye drops have formulations that treat different types of eye ailments. For example, there are eye drops for:

  • Dealing with allergic symptoms
  • Dealing with viral conjunctivitis
  • Dealing with bacterial conjunctivitis

Ideally, you should only use these ailments after getting the issue diagnosed. For example, it's a waste of resources to use an antibacterial eye drop for viral conjunctivitis; the drug won't do you any good, and the disease will just be festering.

Reliving Soreness

There are also OTC eye drops for dealing with soreness of the eyes. This can provide you with instant relief in case your eyes feel too sore at the end of the day. Again, however, you need to know the real cause of the problem for a more permanent solution. For example, your eyes may feel sore after you have been staring at the computer for a long time. On the other hand, you may also develop sore eyes if you are dealing with myopia and can't see nearby objects.

Decongesting the Eye

Lastly, there are also eye drops that have been formulated for dealing with decongested eyes. This is what you may need if you have red eyes caused by dilated blood vessels in your eyes. Just like in the above cases, however, you should have your eyes checked first for a professional diagnosis. You need to know what is causing the red eyes because using the decongestant to shrink the red swollen blood vessels won't treat the underlying conditions.

As you can see, eye drops have their place in relieving eye-related pain or dealing with different eye problems. However, you shouldn't always run to OTC eye drops whenever you have an eye problem; this is particularly true if your eye problems keep recurring. Consult an optometry clinic for a proper diagnosis and treatment.


22 August 2018

Going To The Eye Doctor

Do you remember the last time you thought about the quality of your vision? Although it can be easy to write off vision problems as a simple frustration, taking the time to visit your eye doctor might help you to take care of important aspects of your day to day life. In addition to making your vision more comfortable with the right pair of frames or the right contact lenses, going to the eye doctor might also help you to keep up with your overall eye care. If you have an undetected disease or illness, your eye doctor might mention it before it affects your health. Read this blog for more information.