3 Tips For Healthier Eyes


You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about your eyesight on a daily basis, or at least not until you notice something has gone wrong. If you've come to a decision either on your own or with the help of your local eye clinic that it's time to start taking better care of your eyes, here are a few tips to get you started.

Shield Yourself From the Sun

You might have a cheap pair of sunglasses in your car to help you drive safely when it is especially bright out, but if you really want to protect your eyes during the daytime, it's a good idea to wear a decent pair of shades anytime you are outdoors. The sun's UV rays can actually damage your eyes over time and lead to problems like cataracts or eye growths. Make sure your sunglasses provide 100% UV protection of both A and B rays and you'll be well on your way toward living a healthier lifestyle that your eyes will surely appreciate.

Step Up Your Diet

Not eating a healthy diet can seriously impair your eyes over time. Your retinas function best when your body has the right supply of vitamins. If you want to step up your diet game to help your eyesight, you'll have to do more than just eat a carrot every once in a while. Leafy green vegetables are a good start, but be sure to read the labels whenever possible. You are looking for foods that are high in vitamins E and C and omega fatty acids like DHA. Talk to your eye clinic doctor today for specific examples of foods that you should start adding to your diet.

Get an Exam On Time Every Year

When you were a child, your mother or father probably took you to the eye doctor at least once a year. But it can be easy for some adults to lapse in this practice once they get older, especially if they don't think their current glasses need to be changed or if they order more than a year's worth of contact lenses at a time. But failing to go to the eye doctor on time each year can eventually lead to significant consequences. Your eyesight could change from one year to the next, but if you aren't aware of the problem because it's not obvious, you could be putting additional strain on your eyes on a daily basis. Getting screened every year will also give you a leg up on warning signs for various eye diseases or retinal problems.

If you want to start taking better care of your eyes, invest in a good pair of sunglasses and take a hard look at the vitamin intake in your diet. But for best results, make sure you get to a local eye clinic like Northwest Ophthalmology on time for your annual appointment.


6 April 2018

Going To The Eye Doctor

Do you remember the last time you thought about the quality of your vision? Although it can be easy to write off vision problems as a simple frustration, taking the time to visit your eye doctor might help you to take care of important aspects of your day to day life. In addition to making your vision more comfortable with the right pair of frames or the right contact lenses, going to the eye doctor might also help you to keep up with your overall eye care. If you have an undetected disease or illness, your eye doctor might mention it before it affects your health. Read this blog for more information.